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Psychological counselor

Sharipha Rzayeva

I offer psychological counseling, supporting individuals and families (including couples) in coping with life's challenges. A secure environment is based on confidentiality, empathy, and evidence-based methods. If this resonates with you, I am here to listen, understand, and help bring positive changes to your life.

When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.
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Who am I?

I am Sharipha, your reliable guide on personal development and well-being.


As a multilingual and multicultural psychologist, I provide varied sessions, ensuring every client feels understood and supported regardless of her/his background.

A client-centered approach creates a trustworthy and supportive environment where each client can share their story and find solutions to her/his challenges.

Together we explore the client's inner resources and ambitions and overcome obstacles. Whether the client is facing difficult times or striving for personal growth, she/he always has the free will to invest in their mental health.


In which language? To whom? Where?


I counsel clients in Estonian, English, Russian, Turkish, and Azerbaijani language, and provide psychological help to all ages starting from 16. In addition to offering on-site and online sessions, I offer the option of holding sessions in nature.

What questions

you can approach me with?


  • past events affect present life

  • it is difficult to cope with big changes

  • you find yourself in repetitive patterns that bother you

  • you want to find new ways to do better

  • you are unhappy with your relationship


If these questions resonate with you, take a look at the topics in which I assist. 


Sharipha used multiple methods during our sessions, including worksheets that allowed me to process and understand what had been discussed in my own time. Her explanations were thorough and she was always very patient with me.
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Working days

Wednesday & Thursday 18:00 - 21:00 pm (UTC+3)
Saturday (by agreement)

Kastani 42, Aparaaditehas,
III building (door 3), II floor, last door on the right.
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