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"An important choice you can make is to prioritize your mental well-being and cultivate your inner strength." ©

Psychological counselor | Family therapist in training

I have been a certified psychological counselor since 2022 and I specialize in individual counseling. My work experience dates back to 2018 when I started working as a psychologist at the Counselling Centre of the University of Tartu. In my daily work, I consider it important to follow the principles of professional ethics, including confidentiality and respect for clients' autonomy.


My psychology journey began in 2011 when I started my bachelor's studies at Tallinn University. Even then, I was interested in interpersonal relationships and the nature of family dynamics. Soon became family psychology a focal point of my interest. 


I continued my master's studies in the same field at the University of Tartu in 2016. As a student, I managed to implement my knowledge and skills in psychology by being a support person for a youngster with special needs. During the same period, there was an excellent opportunity to apply my knowledge as a psychological assistant at the Tartu Counseling and Crisis Assistance Center (TCCA). My personal development at TCCA has been extremely remarkable. I believe that working there was a bridge to continue my journey as a psychologist.


While working at the university, I have dedicated myself to continuous professional development. I have completed various professional training courses, participated in different professional conferences, and deepened my knowledge by reading professional articles and literature.

The most significant of these training is the introductory course in family therapy in 2019 (Level I). Starting from February 2024, I will be undergoing a 5-year training in family therapy (Levels II+III). Additionally, I completed the basic training in motivational interviewing (MI) in 2022, and in the same year, I completed an introductory course in solution-focused brief therapy (SFBT).

From the spring of 2024, I am a member of the Estonian Association of Psychologists.


Alongside my daily work, I recharge by allowing myself to be in nature, spending time with my family, listening to soothing music, and practicing yoga.


My resume.

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